More than any other instrument the organ reflects a culture : It is essentially related to a given place, a given period and to the cultural identity of the people who conceive and build it.
Therefore the main lines of our conception are :
If you come to us, you will find that it is the same person who conveives the instrument and does the actual building work. All the parts are developed and made in our own shop : conception and design, metal pipes, wooden pipes, windchests, bellows and wind supply, keys and stops action systems, condole, organ case and voicing.
Michel Jurine was born in St Etienne (Loire) in 1953 and he created the firm in January 1997.
As workshop supervisor and voicer for the firm Renaud in Nantes (France) from 1991 to 1997
he oversaw the restorations and renovations of the following organs :
Saint Sulpice and Saint Laurent in Paris, Perpignan Cathedral, Saint-Michel in Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Germain in Rennes, Sainte-Marie in Limoges, Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul in Épernay and the Basilica of Fourvière in Lyon.
The range and versatility of his training enables him to have a comprehensive view of the musical, historical and technical aspects of organ building. He studied the organ with Pierre PERDIGON and Louis ROBILLARD in whose class he won a gold medal with honours at the Lyon Conservatory of music. All the while he pursued a university training in Maths, Physics and Musicology which naturally
led to a PhD in Musicology from the Sorbonne.
His thesis on the organ builder Joseph Merklin and organ building in the 19th century was published in three volumes by Klincksieck in Paris.
He completed his training in woodwork with the age-old guild of « The Compagnons du Tour de France ».