church organs

Philosophy and aims

We believe it is important to situate the organ both in its historical context and in the contemporary world:

#To do so we rely on our in-depth knowledge of 19th century French organ building specifically that of Aristide CAVAILLÉ-COLL and Joseph MERKLIN in order to make organs which are really an illustration of that aesthetic school.

For instance :

  • the instrumental part has its own framework independent of the organ case
  • the organ wind system with a succession of inverted ribs bellows
  • the making of the windchests and their conception
  • the design of the notes and drawstop tracker action
  • the scaling of the pipes and their manufacturing
  • the voicing technique and the tuning slot work

As a result we do meet the exact requirements of 19th French century organ building but we do not build organs like 19th century ones

# By building modern contemporary organ cases design in collaboration with an architect (Frederic Piat). The fact that the instrumental part is independent of the organ casing allows the builder a greater freedom for aesthetic choices.


Opus 1


M. Michel Buet

Private and concert Hall

Les Haies, France

2 keyboards and pedalboard, 12 stops, 2010


Opus 5

Opus 5

Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Maurice Ravel de Bayonne

Orgue de la classe d'orgue

Bayonne. France

2 keyboards and pedalboard, 8 stops, 2013


Opus 6

Opus 6

Saint-Didier au Mont d'Or

Eglise paroissiale. France

3 keyboards and pedalboard, 25 stops, 2014


Opus 7

Opus 7

Sungkonghoe University of Seoul

Classe d'orgue

Séoul. Corée du Sud

2 keyboards and pedalboard, 12 stops, 2014


Dessins de buffets contemporains

Projet Saint-Pothin LYON

Projet Saint-Pothin Lyon

Projet Saint- Pothin LYON

Projet Saint-Pothin Lyon

Projet La Reole

La Reole

Opus 1 - projet Michel BUET
